Saturday 10 May 2014

95. Gallery Sketches: Veronese

After Veronese, The Conversion of Mary Magdalene (c.1548), Pilot G-Tec C4 on paper

This is one of the best exhibitions I have ever attended and I've been to some very good ones. 

Again, during my OU studies years ago, we touched briefly on Veronese so it was such a privilege to be able to view 50 of his paintings in one (very large) place. The man was truly a genius, able to paint figures (and facial expressions), architecture, fabric, flora, fauna, textures, etc, etc. We were given a small booklet which contained a little introduction to each of the 50 paintings and I scribbled extra notes into it from the audio guide. I then wrote some of them up in the following few days. I think the two paintings above are my favourites but really, as 'Brucie' says, they're all my favourites!

We went in the middle of April but it runs until mid-June.

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