Saturday, 14 June 2014

101. Misty Mountain

Derwent Charcoal Blocks on Clairefontaine Pastelmat, 
40cm x 30cm (c. 16" x 12")

Hi Everyone. I'm still experimenting with my charcoal blocks and have decided to submit this to the DPW Mountain Challenge this week. It's so strange working with a non-blue palette. (The colours in the box are Ochre, Sanguine, Mars Violet, Sepia, Black and White.) Again, I've broken the rules - this time omitting to add a bit of 'life' (such as a bird or a figure) as I want it to look quite barren.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

100. Gallery Drawings: Velazquez

After Velazquez, The Rokeby Venus,
Conté Crayon on A4 paper

After Velazquez, The Rokeby Venus,
Willow Charcoal on A4 paper

Diego Velazquez, The Rokeby Venus, 1651

Hi Everyone, well I hadn't been able to get to the gallery sessions for eight weeks! Where did the time go? Fortunately, I was able to go last week and it was good to see everyone again.

As usual, we were given a background talk, then we were told to draw three lines: one thin, one thick and the third blurred. We then had to use white Conté on black to reproduce sharp or blurred lines as he did but only drawing the left hip and down the leg. We turned over and drew her more fully (top) and were asked to show something of the weight of her body too.  We then changed to white paper and charcoal. Time was up before I could include Cupid or the mirror, etc, but, as ever, it was a great session.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

98. Waiting for Breakfast

Derwent Charcoal Blocks on Clairefontaine Pastelmat, 
30cm x 40cm (c. 12" x 16")

Hi everyone, I hope you are finding time to create. Was there ever a better marriage than charcoal and Pastelmat? Hmmmm… maybe charcoal and Sennelier Pastelcard, which I love, but Pastelmat is my all-time favourite.

They tell us we shouldn't have someone leaning out of the frame (on either side) but I want to give the impression of him looking out for his food.