Sunday, 31 May 2015

137. Sketchy Beetroot

Pilot G-Tec C4 and 
Caran d'Ache Neocolour II 
in Handbook Travelogue Journal, 5" x 5" (x2)

Cats are so funny! Just watching Countryfile and a fat piglet strayed onto a kitten's territory; the kitten beat off the piglet who scuttled away in shock! They run as if they are wearing high heels! Anyway, here's another type of beet - three actually. Why are the surrounding rubber bands always blue? Nice colour though...


  1. I saw this wonderful painting take shape before my eyes, too tired to join in but loved watching you create a beautiful painting!!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments, Azra, and for letting me sketch your dinner!
